Monday, June 6, 2016

A-To-Z List of Medications to Avoid Before 

Your Surgery

Certain medications — including commonly used over-the-counter medications and so-called natural supplements — can increase the risks associated with your facial rejuvenation procedure. Your surgeon should give you a complete list of medications to avoid before your surgery, including details about when to stop taking them.
It is still smart to tell your surgeon and anesthesiologist about everything (and we mean everything) you take on a regular basis or have taken in recent months, including products that you have since stopped taking. Many drugs and supplements take several weeks to leave your system. Importantly, never stop taking any prescription drugs without first clearing it with the doctor who prescribed them to you.
Here's an up-to-date A-to-Z List of Medications to Avoid Before Your Facial Plastic Surgery Procedure*:
All Advil products, Alka-Seltzer, Aluprin, Aleve, Amigesic capsules, Anacin, Ansaid, Analval, Anaprox, Anaprox-DS, Anaproxen, Anodynos, Ansaid, APC, Argesic, Arthra-G, Arthralgen, Arthritis Pain Formula, Arthritis Strength Bufferin, Arthropan, Arthropan Liquid, Ascodeen, Ascriptin, all Ascriptin products, Asperbuf, Aspercin, Aspergum, aspirin (of any kind, including suppository form), ASpirTab, Asprimox products, ASA Tablets, Axotal, Azdone, azulfidine products

B-A-C, all Bayer Aspirin products, BC Powder/Tablets, Bismatrol, bilberry tablets, Brufen products, Buff-A-Comp, Buff-A-Comp No.3 Tablets with codeine, Buffaprin, Buffasal, all Bufferin products, all buffered aspirin products, Buffets II, Buffex, Buffinol, Butalbital, Butal/ASA/caffeine compound, Butazolidin

Cama Arthritis Pain Reliever, Cataflam, carisoprodol, cayenne, Cephalgesic, Cheracol, Clinoril, Congespirin, Contac products, Cope, Coricidin products, Coumadin, Cosprin products, CP-2

Damason-P, Darvon products, Daypro, Deprenyl, diclofenac, diflunisal, dipryridamole, Disalcid, Diurex, Doan's products, Dolobid, Dolophine, Drinophen, Dristan products, Duoprin products, Duradyne DHC

Easprin, echinacea, Ecotrin products, Eldepryl, Emagrin, Empirin products, Emprazil, Endodan, Epromate-M, Equagesic, Equazine-M, etodolac, Excedrin

Feldene, fenoprofen, Fiogesic, Fiorinal products, Florgen, Flurbiprofen, 4 Way Cold products

Garlic tablets or supplement, Gelpirin, Genpril, Genprin, Gensan, Ghemnisym, Ginger, Gingko biloba, Goody's Headache Powder products

Haltran, heparin, Halfprin

Ibu, Ibu-Tab, ibuprofen, Ibuprin, Ibuprohm, Indocin, Indochron, indomethacin, Infantol, iproniazid, isocarboxazid, Isollyl


Ketoprofen, ketorolac

Lanorinal, licorice root, Lodine, Lortab ASA

Magan, Magnaprin, Magsal, all MAO inhibitors, Marnal, Marplan, Marthritic, Measurin, meclofenamate, Meclomen, Medigistic-Plus, Medipren, Menadol, Meprogesic, methocarbamol, Micranin, Midol products, Mobidin, Mobigesic, Momentum, Monogesic, all Motrin products

Nabumetone, Nalfon, Naprosyn, Nardil, nefazodone, Norgesic products, Norwich Extra Strength Aspirin, Nuprin, NyQuil/NyQuil P.M.

Omega-3 oil (fish oil), Orphenagesic products, Orudis, Oruvail, oxycodone/aspirin

P-A-C, Pabalate, Pacaps, Pamprin-IB, Panalgesic, Panodynes, papaya, Parnate, PediaProfen, Pedrazil, pentoxifylline, Percodan products, Persantine, Persisrin, PetoBismol, Phenaphen, phenelzine, pine bark extract, piroxicam, Presalin, Propoxyphene, Ponstel, Pycnogenol

Quagesic, Quiet World

Relafen, Rexolate, Robaxin, Robasisal, Roxiprin, Rufen, Robaxisal

Salicylic acid, Salatin. Saleto products, Salflex, salicylamide, Salocol, salsalate, Salsitab, selegiline, Serzone, Sine-Aid products, Sine-Off products, Soma Compound products, St. Johns wort, St. Josephs Aspirin products, sodium thiosalicylate, Stanback Analgesic, Sudafed, sulindac, Supac, Synalgos products

Talwin, Tenol-Plus, Tolectin products, tolmetin, Toradol, tranylcypromine, Trendar, Trental, Triaminicin, Tricosal, Trigesic, Trilisate, Tri-Pain

Ultrapin, Unipro

Valesin, Vanquish, ViroMed, Vitamin E, Voltaren

Warfarin, Wesprin Buffered



Zactrin, Zorprin
* This is not a complete list of all the medications and supplements that can cause problems with surgery or anesthesia. Consult with your surgeon regarding the medications you should avoid before and after your surgery or treatment.


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